Reagan’s Fitness Journey

Ugh! I’ve been dreading this part … this is me on my honeymoon in April 2009 (please excuse the lizard) …


April 2009 ~ Somewhere between 125 lbs. – 130 lbs … not in the best shape of my life, but I was comfortable in my own skin and I felt like I looked great in a bikini …

this is me back in July of 2013 …


July 20, 2013 ~ 140 lbs.

I was so disgusted with myself I could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror. I was about to turn 40 years old in October, just had 2 children back-to-back (the oldest was 10 months old and my girls are 16 months apart), severely depressed, sleep depreciated, and my marriage was falling apart.

Since then, not many of those things have changed … but one thing that has is that I started eating a cleaner diet and have dropped 15 pounds …

January 1, 2014 ~124 lbs.

January 1, 2014 ~124 lbs.

The only reason I feel comfortable with showing these pictures is because I am very proud of my weight loss. My goal was to get back down to a weight I hadn’t seen since before I was married in 2009 (125 lbs.) … and I have beat that goal.

Today is New Year’s Day of 2014 and I have a new goal …

Obviously I have some toning up to do. If someone had told me 10 years ago that my 40 year old skin would have so little elasticity to it, I may have reconsidered having my children so late in life and just gone about starting my family on my own years ago. Hindsight is 20/20. So now, I just want to tone up my midsection, legs, and glutes. My arms are pretty strong from picking the girls up all the time (we love to cuddle in this house), so although I don’t plan to ignore them in my workouts, I won’t be focusing much on them.

Check back as I work through this month’s challenge routine …

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